Three years ago today I walked down that beautiful garden aisle, and not as a lone bride to meet her groom at the very end of it -- as most weddings traditionally go -- but with you by my side, holding my hand.

Just like other brides on their wedding day, I felt that day to be as perfect as perfect can be... never mind that I was a little late in arriving, or that we were both a little (okay, a lot) stressed. Never mind that we couldn't find the song for our "first kiss" moment, or the chaos and confusion of the pictorials with friends and family, that we didn't have a mic stand for your dad, or even that we didn't get to enjoy the wonderful buffet as much as we liked because of the busyness and the blur of it all... everything still turned out perfectly because God had His hand in every single detail of our wedding -- from the day we first met to the moment we said "I do".
I thought that I already knew what to expect on my big day. I knew that I was going to cry, and that you were going to cry more. I knew there were probably a lot of things I might forget, and anticipated the moments I knew I would remember forever.
But what happened at the altar was something that I never would predicted, a surprise I would never forget.
That moment you gave your vows, kneeling down on one knee.
Like a knight in humble reverence, pledging his service, his loyalty... his very me! You made me feel like a queen, with words that still ring clear and true to this day...

"I, Gabriel Gabriel, pledge to you, Diane Sipin, before God and in the sight of be the best husband that I can be...
... to love you as Christ loved the Church... protect you from harm while there is still breath within me... take care of my health, and to be with you as long as humanly possible ensuring to the best of my ability, that the grief of losing a spouse will be mine to bear...
...I vow to lead our family under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, seeking the Lord at all times in every decision... raise our children in the ways of the Lord and to love them and cherish them as I love and cherish you...
...I vow to remain faithful to you...fleeing from any circumstance that may compromise our unity...
...I bind myself to you from this day forth, to be yours and yours alone as long as we both live."
I thank God for you everyday, my Muffin Man. 3 years down... forever more to go. Happy anniversary, my love. I love you. :)